Mothering Earth - Our Mission

Mothering Earth is truly your source for sustainable living news. From our first program in 2014, we have brought you stories of people who are taking action to combat climate change, and who are doing good things for our planet. Our mission is to inform, and to engage with you through the stories we bring you, and by providing pathways to change.

“In every deliberation, we must consider the impact on the seventh generation.” Great Law of the Iroquois

For example in our program with Allie Molinaro of Compassion in World Farming, we talked about how animal agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gases, as well as a polluter of water and our soil. Molinaro went on to say that there is something each of us can do every day which would help reduce the heavy burden of harmful air, water and land pollution resulting from CAFOs and other forms of animal agriculture, namely to eat a plant-based diet.

CAFO stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, which are facilities that house hundreds, even thousands, of animals in a confined space for at least 45 days in a year.

In this case, we can make a difference by examining what we eat every day and making changes. The power of one is a real thing and is a very powerful thing. You have the power to be an example to your colleagues, friends and family, thereby amplifying your influence and creating a better world for yourself, your children and their children.

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Compassion in World Farming
