E-Waste Is Piling Up!

We count on them to guard our homes, to play our music and television shows, to entertain us with games, to keep up with friends, relatives and colleagues, to clean our clothes, to keep our food cold, to pay our bills, to get our work done and even to drive us home. Think of all the electronic devices you use every day!  

But what happens when we make the choice to “upgrade” to the latest version of the device? Where do old electronic devices go? 

In this Mothering Earth program, we learn what happens to discarded electronics, with Brad Rudisail, an IT consultant and technology writer.

Featured on this program...


Brad Rudisail is a network engineer, IT manager, IT instructor, Technical writer and professional musician.

His twenty-year writing portfolio includes a long assortmkent of white papers, newspaper columns, articles, learning curriculum as well as blogs and books.

Where can you find Mothering Earth Podcasts?

Since it began in 2015, Mothering Earth has been bringing listeners informative programs on a broad range of environmental and sustainable living topics — from enjoying farmers markets to building rainwater collection systems, to growing organic vegetables in your own garden. You can enjoy the entire library of programs on Apple Podcasts, or any of the other podcasting platforms.